Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cancer Free!

I have been having alot of health issues lately, feminine issues to be exact. After a sixth months of dealing with this and different medications with no results I had a biopsy and some other unpleasant tests to check for cancer and a few other possible ailments.
Did you know that there is now a blood test to check for genetic breast and ovarian cancer? I sure didn't. I didn't even know that cancer could be genetic. It is tho. You are more likely a candidate for genetic cancer if close family members have had it. In my case, cancer runs deep on my father's side and a few cases on my mother's as well.
So after all my tests I am happy to say that I am cancer free and I do not carry the cancer gene! So that leaves my problem undiagnosed but atleast not too horrible.

On another note, I have been having some horrible back pain for a long time. Finally went to the Dr. for that and after some Physical therapy and an MRI it turns out that I have Degenerative joint disease. Boo! Not sure how bad it is, I go next week to get all the details and treatment plan from my Doc. Apparently it can be genetic, which makes sense. My 12 yr old daughter has Scheuermans disease which is degenerative disc disease in the spine. My mother has a similar problem in her neck. Not sure what's going to happen.

And I have a Lily with a tummy ache so I must go...


  1. Its scarry now a days all the health problems that people are having and how plentifule it is, I personaly know five people who have had cancer, and manny other that have other health issues, crons deises, MS, ect, I think its the food were eating and the fact that were a copy of a copy of a copy a thousand times over the origanal being adam & Eve so were bond to have geanitic defects,
    my grandma deid from breast cancer at 35 yr old, and I apperently have a lump, I also have problems with simular health issues as you, and I constantly feel sick, but im so glad to hear your cancer free, you being a mommy of four,
    God Bless Marion and have a goon day

  2. That is great news that you are cancer free:)
